Literacy for early years
Ispy CVC words
A Magnifying glass full of CVC images to write.
Race to the snowman game
Different versions of a dice game. CVC words, words with digraphs, tricky words.
Penguin tricky words phase 2 and 3
Read the tricky words and match the fish to the penguin. Phase 2 and 3.
Read and match penguins
Read the words and find the matching penguin.
Christmas I-spy CVC pictures
A snow globe full of Christmassy CVC pictures for the children to I-spy and write.
Letter to Santa
A letter to Santa focussing on what the xhild is good at and thankful for.
Santa sack - read and add the presents
2 different Santa sacks and different gift pictures. Read the checklist and add the correct presents.
Christmas dominoes - pictures
A set of Christmas dominoes with different festive images.
Phase 2 tricky word trees and Santa sack
Phase 2 tricky words. Cut out the baubles and stick on the matching bauble . Santa sack and present version too. Encouraging the children to read the word and find the matching word.
Digraph sorting - sh, ch, th, qu, nk and nk
6 large jars with different digraphs - sh, ch, th, qu, ng and nk and images to sort.
Small jars and one picture for each digraph to be used as a cut and stick activity.
Winter themed tricky words phase 2 and 3.
A winter scene with tricky word snowflakes. Snowflake to match. Phase 2 and 3.
CVC words and caption snow globes
DIfferent pictures in snow globes. Words or captions to match the pictures.
Winter Bundle
8 different winter activities -
Find the tricky words hidden in the winter scene- phase 2 and 3.
Read the CVC word / caption and match to the picture in the snowglobe.
Paint/colour the hat, scarf and mittens.
Repeating pattern scarf.
Winter domino mats.
Race to the snowman games - phase 2 and 3.
Winter loose parts board.
Winter subitising cards 1-5.
Chinese dragon tricky word race
Roll the dice and move along the track reading the tricky words along the way.
Phase 2 and 3 inlcuded.
Penguin tricky word race phase 2 and 3
Roll the dice and move around the board. Phase 2 and 3.
Penguin day writing prompts
6 pictures for writing prompts - pictures with ai, ee, igh and oa sounds. 2 simple CVC pictures too.